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City Chapel tries to provide a wide range of resources as a service to our Body and the larger church community, from bible reading plans and preferred reading lists, to audio and video links to speakers and sermons. Please check back here periodically for more resources as they are posted. 

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"Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you."

- Philippians 3:1


For the past seven years City Chapel has partnered with Kentwood Alliance, Bethany Baptist, and other churches to present the RePlay RePreach video conference. Each year a selection of  sermons from some of the best preachers of our generation are shared related to a specific topic. This year on March 6th and 7th at Kentwood Alliance Church the topic of mission will be explored through the following speakers.


2020 RePlay RePreach Sessions on Missions

JD Greear | Go, Send or Disobey

Don Carson | The Biblical Basis for Mission

Tim Keller | Public Faith

David Platt | Why the Great Commission is Great


For more information please visit the official website at:


2019 Sessions on Worship
John Piper  |  Pilgrim Worship
Albert Mohler  |  Worship & Sola Scriptura
Mark Dever  |  Worship in Spirit and in Truth
Matt Chandler  |  Linger 
Ligon Duncan  |  Worship in Word & Sacrament 


2018 Sessions on  Jesus, True Saviour vs. False Saviours

Steve Lawson  |  Jesus, Our Sovereign Saviour
R. C. Sproul  |  What is the Gospel?
Tim Keller  |  Counterfeit Gods
Paul Washer  |  Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
Steve Lawson  |  Flee Idolatry

Reading Plans

& Resources

This is a downloadable app for computers, tablets and smartphones which gives access to a multitude of reading plans and other resources.


This is a Bible reading plan that takes the reader through the entire Bible from September to May; there is a separate challenge in the summer that goes through the entire New Testament and Psalms during the months of June through August.  Many folks at City Chapel enjoy this plan!  



RightNow Media:

City Chapel has a subscription to RightNow Media, which has been likened to the Netflix of online theological content. This is available to all congregants. To access this site, please talk to one of the deacons or elders for an invitation. 




City Chapel

5850 Kerry Wood Drive

Red Deer, Alberta


Chair of Deacons: Curtiss Arthur

Deacon: Travis Gebbink                  Deacon: Mike Howell

Deacon: Logan Nielsen                   Deacon: Jayden Halsey

Deacon: Joel Pilon                             Deacon: Jon Spijksma

Deacon: Mike Pinette                       Deacon: Ryan Cunningham

Deacon: Joel Smith                            Deacon Emeritus: Bill Woods



©2020 by City Chapel in Red Deer, Alberta

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