City Chapel is a church driven by the Great Commission. This Commission is impossible without relationships as a church community, as well as relationships with the communities in which we live.
Upcoming Events and Announcements
We are still gathering weekly for men's prayer breakfast at Cora Restaurant every Tuesday morning at 6:15 a.m.
This Friday, we'll have playdate from 10:00-12:00 a.m.
Next week Sunday, following the service we will be having a river baptism. We can head over to the river, witness the baptism, and then head to the park for our Summer Send Off BBQ potluck. Bring your favorite dish, or that Pinterest potluck dish you said you were going to try this year but haven’t yet! Please bring something to grill and drink for your own family, a side, salad, or dessert to share. In an effort to help us reduce waste, please also bring your own picnic dishes, as well as a picnic blanket, or lawn chair as seating is very limited. In the event of inclement weather, we will eat in the Chapel, and grill out in the parking lot!
The Elders and Deacons would like to call on our covenant members to attend a meeting to share our projected budget for 2024/2025 fiscal year on Wednesday, September 11. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting to start at 7:00 p.m. Advanced copies may be available to covenant members (pending completion), email for more info. On-site child care may be arranged for this meeting, more details to follow.
There will be a City Chapel Women's Retreat on Saturday, September 21st from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Chapel. Come join us as we gather to learn about Christian Community and enjoy an extended time of fellowship. Women ages 16+ are invited, and nursing babies are always welcome. The cost is $40/person and breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Stephanie VanderLeek and inform her of any dietary restrictions.
What major Canadian events have impacted parents and grandparents in the last generation? What changes has this made for parental rights, children, youth and churches in our nation? How should Christian parents faithfully respond to these things? Pastor Kevin Cavanaugh will be joining us on Thursday, September 26th at 7 p.m. to discuss this with us. Parents, Grandparents, and future parents, please mark your calendar!
Covenant Presbyterian Church in Cochrane is hosting a conference called “God Keep Our Land” on October 18 and 19. Speakers include Chris Cousine, Dr. Jared Longshore, Toby Sumpter, and Garrett Gillespie. Cost is $25/ticket. For more information visit
“All the blessings we enjoy are Divine deposits, committed to our trust on this condition, that they should be dispensed for the benefit of our neighbors.”
- John Calvin
City Chapel desires to be a fellowship of city groups rather than a fellowship with city groups! Why? Because through the Great Commission, Christ called His Church to go into the world around it, make disciples of all people, baptize them into the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey God’s call in their lives.
We take this call to heart and feel this can only be accomplished through the intentional development of genuine relationships where we can live out the Gospel together.
Further Study Questions
Each week, our elders provide questions related to the sermon/Scripture passage to assist with your own biblical study. City Groups may use these questions in the second week of the month, during their “Study” time. The past four weeks of questions are listed below and updated each week.
[[As we enter into our summer rhythm, our Further Study questions are on hiatus until the fall. You are still encouraged to study your bible, engage with your community and church family, and share the gospel as you enjoy your summer activities.]]
"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus."
- 2 Timothy 3:14-15
City Chapel Children’s Ministry was established to serve the families and the children of City Chapel, as well as the families and children that visit, by teaching about God, to His glory.
Each week our volunteers provide meaningful, biblically sound teaching to children from the ages of 2 to 6 years. Through games, songs, readings and activities, we help the kids to have an enjoyable time, while furthering their understanding of God and helping them to develop a relationship with Christ. We feel strongly that the message of the Gospel should not be ‘watered down’ for children, but simply delivered in terms that they can understand, without compromising on the content of the scriptures and the heart behind the stories. Each week we incorporate prayer, scripture reading, catechism and direction to the gospel to help the children understand the importance and value that each of these practices hold. We also work to encourage parents in their role as the primary teachers of their children and to equip them with resources to further expound on our weekly lessons with their kids.
Each week brings new games, new lessons and new fun for the children and after every lesson we feel blessed as leaders to see the children understand a bit more of who God is and what He has done for us. City Chapel Children’s Ministry is open to all children aged 2 to 6 years and we welcome visitors!
City Chapel Baby Care
Each week we have volunteers ready and able to watch your little ones while you sit in the service! Toys, lots of attention, and loving care will be provided. Please note that there is no food permitted in the nursery.
Long Weekends & Holidays
Please note that Sunday School and Nursery are not provided on long weekends and holidays. Parents are encouraged to help their older children participate in the service on these days; for very little ones, the nursery space will be available for parents to use. Activity packets will be available for children who would normally be in Sunday School.
Brittany Halsey
Kristina Smith
"Older women likewise are to be reverent in behaviour, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women ..."
- Titus 2:3-4
The goal for Women’s ministry at City Chapel is to glorify God and make Him known, by serving and supporting women as they serve the LORD. We do this through formal and informal opportunities for fellowship and friendship.
We also have in place a list of people who are willing to serve in different capacities when called on. This isn’t only ‘Women’s ministry' per se, but it does directly impact many women as we will provide meals, rides, cleaning, babysitting, etc., as needed. People just need to contact Janelle Edwards if they need help.
Women's Fellowship Evening
One evening every other month, the women of City Chapel gather together for an informal time of fellowship and prayer. These evenings are held on the third Saturday of alternating months, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., and all women are welcome. We would love to see you there!
City Chapel Mommy Play Date
Every Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., a group of moms meet to give their kids a chance to play together, and themselves a chance to connect! Weather-permitting, we sometimes head to a playground or park, otherwise we meet at the Chapel. For up-to-date information about where we'll be meeting each week, please contact Stephanie VanderLeek, or join our Facebook Group. All Moms, Grandmas and women who hope to one day be Moms are welcome.
Stephanie VanderLeek
Shiloh Nielsen
"But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
- 1 Timothy 6:11-12
At City Chapel we believe that strong and healthy churches need to be filled with strong and healthy men, husbands, and fathers. Our men participate in all areas of ministry, and there are also a few ministries that are specifically aimed at giving the men in our congregation opportunities for fellowship and growth.
Weekly Men's Prayer Breakfast
"I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarrelling..." (1 Timothy 2:8). Every Tuesday morning at 6:15 a.m., we meet for breakfast and prayer. Men of all ages are invited to join us; watch the City Chapel Connect Facebook group for latest meeting details, including location.
Men's Fellowship Night
Every other month, on the third Friday evening of the month, there is a men's night held at the Nielsens' workshop. These evenings are informal and are intended for fellowship. All men are welcome!
Matt VanderLeek
“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."
- Psalm 100:1-5
As Christians we are called to live the entirety of our lives as an act of worship. At City Chapel we love God and see Him alone as worthy of our worship (Rev 4:11). He is our Creator, our Sustainer and our Saviour, and in all these things, He is a good, loving, and personal God. It is for these reasons, and more, that at City Chapel we are committed to “holistic worship, without compromise in living". We recognize that worship is more than singing songs on a Sunday, but is also what we are meant to do in every aspect of our lives (Luke 10:27). In everything we do, we either honour the Lord, or we dishonour Him. Thus, as His disciples, we seek to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24), in all areas of our walk with Him.
Our Sunday service brings us together for corporate worship as a body of believers. At City Chapel, our Worship Ministry acknowledges that our role is to "facilitate orderly worship, for the edification of the body, to the glory of God." We recognize that the primary focus of worship is God, not us - and we praise God that we are personally blessed by coming together to worship Him! By worshiping together with God as our focus, the blessings of unity, conviction, encouragement, edification, and rebuke are poured out to us. Our music worship teams seek to lead the congregation in genuine worship, holding sincerity and Biblical-truth as higher aims than feelings and experiences. We affirm that, "True worship of God the Father is only possible through God the Son, by God the Spirit as we hear God's truth from His word, the Bible."* Therefore, our corporate worship times include a wide range of hymns, choruses, and contemporary songs - all which honour and glorify our Heavenly Lord, and speak the truth of His word. As a discipleship ministry, we welcome musicians of all calibers to come alongside our teams, and be trained up to serve in a leadership role. We praise God for the range of musical skills in our congregation, and seek to use our gifts to glorify Him, as in all areas of our lives!
God is good and is worthy of our praise!
Stephanie Vander Leek
* Quote taken from True Worship by Vaughan Roberts
Our Elders
Parish Elder
Rev. Shane Fox
Shane is married to Nicole. He is a founding elder of the City Chapel church plant, and has been serving at City Chapel since 2012. Shane is the teaching elder of our church plant in Penticton called The Winepress.
Elder Emeritus
Peter Robinson
Peter is married to Brenda, and is a founding elder of the City Chapel church plant. Peter spent 38 years serving in church leadership before moving into the honourable position of Elder Emeritus in 2022.
Teaching Elder
Rev. Matt VanderLeek
Matt is married to Stephanie. He was a founding deacon of the City Chapel church plant, and was established as an Elder in 2015.
Parish Elder
Noah Welch
Noah is married to Alissa. He has a heart for discipleship and has been serving City Chapel in a variety of ways since 2019. He was established as an Elder in 2022.